Golden Girls


I am very blessed to have a strong and healthy band of female friends that lift me up and help me get through life. Some relationships have gone through seasons of space and growth. Others are a constant non-stop force in my life. Each one providing a different level of love and energy that nurtures my soul.


My friends inspire me in different ways to follow my dreams. Encourage me to try new things. Remind me that I can’t always have control. But what I love the most is how they understand me, all the way down to my core. Knowing when my heart is all in, and when I’m in the wrong. I love how friendship can be felt in so many different ways. Each one having a foundation that gets stronger over the years as we hold each other up through everyday trials.


Just like friendship nudges my spirit with different wavelengths, so do the many styles of yoga. Restorative - being still enough to live in vulnerability and listen. Yin - deciding to stay in the discomfort and surrender to the truth within. Vinyasa Flow - having fun and playing with the little girl that lives inside. Power - finding strength and believing I can do it. Ashtanga - allowing myself to reset and re-focus the mind.


Always experimenting with the different styles of yoga helps me make sense of my emotions. Taking what I need from each practice based on what’s happening inside. Fully opening my heart to the benefits and using it to propel me forward. I encourage you to get out there and try something new. It can be a new class, studio, or teacher. It doesn’t have to be limited to yoga. It can be anything. Variety is the spice of life!

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