My 3 Best Ways to Reset
Is it just me, or is the overall atmosphere heavy right now? Post Election and natural disasters, there are a lot of things swirling in the air-whether you like it or not.
This season we’ve experienced a lot of uncertainty, and for some things didn’t go as planned. This can cause us to feel somewhat depressed or have an itch to do something different.
If you have the urge to throw your hands in the air to scream, shout, or give up…maybe all you need is a reset. A reset can be a mental and emotional restart to help deal with letdown, stress, or change that you’re facing.
There are plenty of ways I’ve learned to reset after tough times. Trial and error has helped me fine tune what works for me, and here are my 3 best ways to reset after things have me unsettled or my nerves have been rattled.
Listen to MY Playlist
As a Wellness Creator, I’m convinced I’m some kind of DJ the way I curate playlists for classes and events. Music speaks to me. Its ability to uplift, inspire, and create change in our souls is truly transformative. This is why I have a playlist that’s dedicated to ME! I put the songs that stay on repeat, help me sing my heart out, and have truly been there for me through life. I do my best to listen to it when I’m in a really good mood or really in a funk and ALL ALONE. It may sound silly, but I encourage you to pull up whatever streaming service you have and click on a playlist that gets you going every time. Better yet, create your own with no rules. Listen with your headphones and block out the world to go to that place the songs take you. You will be surprised how your attitude can adjust after an hour of music or singing!
2. Follow a Recipe
I may not enjoy cooking, but I do like to bake every now and then. I typically do it around Holidays or have time off. I like to follow a recipe and directions when I’m not feeling like myself. It helps me to get out of my head and focus on the moment without really having to think for myself. It can be a favorite cookie recipe or something as easy as making pancakes. The goal is to focus on the task at hand. If baking turns you off try any new recipe, or an arts & craft or DIY project. It has the same effect and the tactile activity will help you to be in the moment. In the moment and out the head, this will help you feel more relaxed and in touch with yourself.
3. Read
Reading is one of my favorite hobbies. I love to read. It helps me relate to the characters, experiences, or thoughts of the author. With Fiction, it feels like a new way to experience humanity which can be a nice reprieve from real life. This guides me to feel a stronger sense of self as I agree, disagree, or relate to whatever I’m reading about. It doesn’t have to be Fiction either. Sometimes picking up to learn something new, hear someone’s personal story, or diving deeper into subjects you love is just as powerful. If sitting and turning pages doesn’t work for you, there are plenty of audiobooks you can listen to. Purchase a magazine (yes, they still sell those) and get lost in those glossy pages. Finally read some articles you previously earmarked in your emails or subscriptions. No matter what you choose, it can help you get out of your head.
A lot of people are confused right now on what seems to be normal or what other people are thinking. We should instead focus on ourselves and figure out how we can process everything that’s happened and move forward. A reset helps us pause in the moment to better connect with ourself.
It’s not about trying to gain or win back control in your life or people around you. It’s about returning to a state of normalcy within the soul. In fact, a reset helps us to let go what we cannot control and instead focus on getting back to a sense of self.
Try out one or all three of my tips and see if they help. Remember, these are just suggestions and if you have something else in mind, go for it! The point is to do something. Anything, so that you don’t feel stuck. Because no matter the situation you’re in, you’re not. You just need to get back to you.
Thanks for being apart of my community! If this post moved you or made you think of a friend or loved one, please send it to them for encouragement as I look to expand my community and grow with you!