In The Zone
Moving past fear. Shaking off mental constraints. Barriers placed inside my head by my own self. Protecting my mental space was not a top priority in my life. Constantly taking care of others and not taking care of myself. For months my yoga practice was stagnant. I got on the mat and didn’t want to move. To be honest, my personal practice was more of a moping session. Moving without intention and purpose. I wasn’t pushing myself. Cultivating within-nothing more than complacency. There is no room for growth when you are comfortable where you are.
I had a light bulb moment and suddenly something clicked. I got out and took a few yoga classes around town and got my ass kicked! Working muscles that weren’t being used because my whole body was engaged. Pushing myself to go just a little bit deeper because someone was there guiding me. Encouraging me. Feeling the energy of being in the presence of other yogis. What a difference it made in my practice! This gave me that spark I was missing. Lighting a flame I let sizzle out for months by not focusing on myself.
Just like that I was back in the groove. Living in the flows. The energetic energy I feel now is cursing through my veins. Inspiring me to look over my goals. Plan. Strategize. Most importantly ask myself the right questions. Mentally I feel stronger. I’m able to stand in the mirror and tell myself that I’m not afraid to fail. Without the positive energy within it’s easy for self-doubting thoughts to overwhelm me. The mat keeps me strong. Building me up as I feel the practice take shape in my body. It fuels me. That spark is what keeps me excited about moving. All movement is good because one way or another it leads me to forward progress. All I have to do now is keep flying strong. Girl, you can do this!