Straight Buzzin'
When I go over a week without yoga, my body gets the jitters. Usually when this happens it’s because I’m overwhelmed. The days are getting the best of me. Once I get a chance to rest, I can feel the unsettling energy vibrating under my skin. It’s such a weird sensation. I immediately feel jittery and my mind can’t relax or stop the random exhausting thoughts. The energy begins to take a life of it’s own and it’s like a pinball machine inside of me.
it’s easy to ignore the signs and tell myself I just need to sleep. But now that I’m starting to learn my own self, I’ve started calling myself out. Basically I cut into the thoughts and say girl, just do some yoga! And I’m talking 75-90 minutes of yoga. I’ve seen what happens when I disregard what my body is telling me. Petty arguments and complaining that I can’t get anything done are the first usual suspects to show up in my behavior. At that point I grab a hold of myself and stomp onto the mat. Getting there is always the hardest part, yet it becomes the best moment of the day.
Why do we avoid things we know are good for us? I know there are scientific explanations on this, but I don’t wholly understand it. Nevertheless I ask myself this question when I recognize the buzz. The moment I try to rest but can’t, is when the energy takes flight and I need to move to let it work it’s way through. If I don’t it starts to block my mind and consume me to the point that I literally don’t know how to act! Basically it’s moving so fast I can’t understand what I’m thinking. For someone like me who has such a strong mind-body connection this is enough to knock me off kilter and I’m on a rocket ship to Crazy World. Yoga centers me. When I do it and am fully submerged into the practice it release me. As I flow I can feel the energy disperse. I start to hear myself think again. I make better decisions. I’m just better. I love that yoga can do that for me. What can yoga do for you?