Just. Breathe.


When yoga and faith can’t save me from the darkness, I feel lost. I may be getting through everyday, but it feels like I’m walking in circles, not sure what to do next. I’m avoiding the mat right now because it does nothing for my soul. Yet I still try and get on hoping that I can move my feelings around and make sense of it all. My body is stiff. My mind feels like a slow pour of concrete. Everyday more and more thoughts get buried, hardening into stone thick with anxiety and fear.

 The good thing is that I can see the growth, which gives me hope. I would have swallowed up and withered away were this a different time. Letting the days get the best of me. Not able to mentally do anything because of the blank space.

Through the strength I’ve built, I’m able to get through these difficult times. I am thankful that years of practice have taught me that I am strong and can push through anything. I only need to focus on one thing; keep breathing. Breathing through whatever I’m feeling, and doing my best not to get stuck in the fluttering thoughts. When I can’t get on the mat I take time to inhale and exhale 5-12 deep breaths. This helps me remember how good the oxygen feels in my body. How good it feels to be alive. It helps me to overcome dark moments and try to shift my thoughts to the light. From there it’s a constant task to stay focused on the good for as long as I can. Breathing through it one day at a time. Just breathe Gini. Just. Breathe!
