Where I've Been

It’s hard to make sense of things when you’re in transition. Life becomes something like a puzzle. It’s challenging to put the pieces together when you’re simply trying to figure out what the picture is supposed to look like.

I find myself coming out of a season of transition. Closing the door on one thing and walking into the next. During the adjustment, I wasn’t uneasy. I was more so taking it all in. Doing my best not to judge myself too harshly. Knowing that I was going to mess up. Spending time learning new things and being unfamiliar with…a lot. 

Learning to trust yourself through change isn’t easy. At first, you don’t know what you’re doing right and what’s not working. Being mindful of what it is that you’re doing is a way to keep yourself in the moment and on task. Doing one thing at a time. Noticing how the outcome made you feel. This gives you the ability to decide if you continue or is it time to pivot to a different way. Perhaps you can flip your perspective. As an avid journaler I find that it helps to write out what the days are like. You begin to process what comes up. Finding gratefulness in the good. Praying on the things that feel heavy. With time, this leads understanding to insight. 

Change is going to come. It helps once you realize you are the constant. Thoughts, tone, and circumstance may change, but your heart is the same. It never leaves you. Pushing you toward the things and people that matter most. That pull is always there. Helping you to focus on how beautiful your life is, instead of what you think it’s  supposed to look like. Take time to put the puzzle together piece by piece. It’s a process. Settling into that truth is a way to realize that you can move around with the many changes of life.